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I’d like to add that A and B leaves open to interpretation what customary animal husbandry means. Because mistreatment of livestock ...
I’d like to add that A and B leaves open to interpretation what customary animal husbandry means. Because mistreatment of livestock ...
I’d like to add that A and B leaves open to interpretation what customary animal husbandry means. Because mistreatment of livestock isn’t...
You should take a step back and consider some of your values. The sweaty dude who has found purpose and focus isn’t the one to be pitied....
I dislocated my knee cap once. It happened a lot with my sister, so I knew I could pop it back in and I did. Afterwards it felt like a...
I had to have emergency surgery to stop the blood loss I was experiencing. I lost enough blood that they did 2 transfusions and a...
Yes exactly. I am glad they are all okay. My friend's husband was killedin a wreck because of a texting teenaged girl. Their 11 year old...
And once you've had them one time you know the pain of them and if you ever even have a twinge of pain again that signals they are coming...
Part of what drove her to insist on that is Dead Or Alive 40th Anniversary 1979 2019 Thank You For Your Music Signature shirt that she...
As horribly sexist as it sounds All I Need Today Is A Little It Of Deftones And A Whole Lot Of Jesus shirt. I would recommend a friend...
Ridiculous. Plus on the practical level too. Imagine all the rules and regs that would exist in order to live in a government house. ...
People don't have a right to live wherever they want. Private property, especially private residence, is still a foundational aspect of...
Yes I do. All the time. Either paying for it through taxes or at the time of exacting said right to someone else’s labor.I also don’t...
Even if the majority of rental income goes towards the landlord's mortgage, that's not an expense, that's equity going into the property,...
Spending is out of control because of bipartisan consensus. Let's be 100% clear about this. Republicans love spending Biden vs Trump...
I agree that housing should be a right for all people but where the question becomes more complex is over the location of that housing.In...
If you withhold rent, even if you’re legally entitled to, it will put you on the defensive, instead of offensive, posture. Also you don’t...
Am lawyer and work in my states housing court. Dunno if your state’s law is nearly as friendly as mine, but you definitely have a claim. ...
Landlord here. At least in my state, Official Jesus True Story Christmas shirt they would absolutely be required to pay the full...
Nope. Well you could definitely try but I'm doubtful it would be easy. They need to provide you one be it a complementary gym Type 1 Of...
On the last lease, I added a termination clause in parallel to his that I could cancel the lease in 45 days with written notice. I put...