And yes, my knee is troubling meNo carnival no games Matty Smokes shirt. I went on that odyssey with a steroid injection to my knee to stop the pain from the inflammation and doses of Tramadol, a strong painkiller. I should be celebrated for this achievement, not vilified.Got to ask, did she not see the seat that looks open in the picture? She doesn’t even address the fact that there is a seat open. To me that seems to be the reason that this picture is even a big deal.Being said, the criteria for sitting on a bus is a hilarious moving target and you can never satisfy everyone. I've heard a younger girl infer that men shouldn't be able to sit down at all, front or back. If you wanted to make sure no one was angry you would have to go down a impossibly large checklist of criteria every time someone gets on the bus and weigh it against yourself.
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SOURCE: Merry Christmas shirt