If mom says no my aunt will say yes shirt
It was horrible to see her. We hid under desks and then ran away when the coast was clear and I peeled out of there and went home....
It was horrible to see her. We hid under desks and then ran away when the coast was clear and I peeled out of there and went home....
You'd think back before Columbine and there was one every couple of years. It turned into one high profile mass shooting I survived the...
Since the gun proponents are so hell bent on an antiquated right, one in which the only way its purpose could be fulfilled would be to...
I've modified my thoughts on gun control, I don't care anymore, each state that continues to vote in Republicans and Democrats that side...
It's almost as if all they've done is Official Panic at the costco shirt enabled people to pick a location where they can do the most...
Therapy is limited in most plans to once a month and they will not cover it for very long. Do you think 12 hours a year of therapy would...
Do cars reduce car accidents???? I’m type of girl who is perfectty happy with cats skulls and has tattoos shirt Do you argue that tax...
It doesn’t matter if the police didn’t report his name. CNN and the NYT both reported his name and information hours She works willingly...
By the time they’re making serious bucks they tell themselves, “I should buy this unnecessary luxury. I put in my timeH B I C Head Bitch...
They are extremely lenient towards the right though, as we have seen for at least the past 20 years (the right wing militia thing seemed...
the plutonomy basket should continue to do very well. Names in this basket that our analysts recommend as buys include JOfficial Baby...
Yeah, these people are not any more happy than they would be if they were worth 10million, yet their brain is fucked up from their wealth...
Meanwhile, people in upper management only have to meet 60% of their metrics for the year to be able to get a bare minimum 5Christmas...
It's fun watching C suite and upper management negotiate their high salaries, while coming to us in HR and asking why we can't New...
It's just more of the same. In every single economic and political system we've ever had the rich and powerful end up milking their...
Steve Jobs also had a $1 salary.Again, reverse the medal! The income and property tax returns laid before the House of Ack Flag Funny...
It was the result of a major reorganization at SpaceX, with multiple projects ending at the same time multiple other projects Diamond...
For example, if his compensation package gives him the option to buy stock at $50 per share, and he buys 1MM shares, and the stock goes...
Two years ago almost to the day i had been pulling an all-nighter to set my schedule, and at 4 in the morning i heard my mom's screams ...
Waking up to my mother screaming and crying after finding out my oldest sister had passed away from internal bleeding and complications...